We spent a recent weekend at Ojo Caliente, a hot springs resort in New Mexico. It’s certainly more luxurious than our usual travel!
In fact, I think our takeaway from the trip was that we prefer our tent. Not because Ojo Caliente wasn’t wonderful, it really was… We just aren’t resort people. We prefer open spaces and dirt at our feet.
The trip was an experiment.
Could we pull off a ‘rest and relaxation’ vacation in fancy digs with a two year old?
The answer? Kind of, sort of. Better than expected, but not ideal.
We lean heavily into the afternoon nap as relaxation time. Not just on vacation, but on any average Saturday too. So I laid in the sun with a glass of wine and read for hours by the cliffs of Ojo, while Greg got a massage. Nap time luxuriating for the win!
West loved our private spring-fed tub. We all relaxed in it.

We spent a handful of minutes staring peacefully at the kiva fireplace. (Emphasis on handful). We swung in the hammocks for ten minutes.
Which is all to say, we found lovely moments of peace.
The resort restaurant was a bit stuffy for us, but especially for a two year old. I often think that I need my two year old to handle being in a restaurant, but then I wonder why?! It’s boring for them.
I think we all can agree enjoying a decent meal is an uphill battle with a toddler. But especially in a resort of tranquility. West was okay – no meltdowns or anything – but I never felt comfortable with him.

We need freedom to roam… Not zen gardens.
I think we all felt a bit claustrophobic on the trip. West wants to run. I do too.
The revelation for me in this whole parenting experiment is almost always the same: Our family is at its best in places that allow us to be wilder.
That is often the outdoors. Sometimes it’s our favorite brewery and pub. Sometimes it’s a walk down our mainstreet.
I want to lean into all the places the three of us are happiest. No expectations.
I know we will have to live in civilization occasionally. Toddlers aren’t especially civilized though. Why should they be? The world is a wondrous place. I would rather let him rip.