We got a little beat up on our fall desert migration this year.
Once October hits the desert of Utah beckons and away we go be warm for a little while longer.
…Except this year, when the 70degree day paired with hurricane force winds and the next day followed with desert snow.
Camping Fail #1: Hurricane Force Winds
Fail numero uno happened on our quest for sunshine and the secluded campsite of dreams.
And while we found a mesa top campsite with no neighbors (!), we also found way way too much wind… the type of wind that will shred your tent, that is hard to stand up in, that you have to yell to be heard… and in which there is 0 chance the little human will sleep in.
Camping Fail #2: Washed Out Road
But we know the desert and know when to persevere so we moved on to another beloved spot… only to encounter a washed out road due to massive flooding earlier in the summer.
At this point, we were seven hours into a delightful scenic drive, but darkness approached and the little human was no longer happy.
We pulled over, let everyone out of the car, and debated.
When we were young and untethered we likely would have continued our search, but the toddler has opinions. Strong ones.
He had had enough. .. To a hotel we went. And that hotel had beautiful red rock views and our favorite Thai food in Moab (Arches Thai) just a stone’s throw away. Sort of a win.
We felt defeated though.
Camping Fail #3: Flat Tire
On this trip things just stacked up. The car got a flat tire the next day… Then it snowed. You just roll with it but the trip felt like it had fallen apart.
The Win: Toddler Adventure and Some Petroglyphs
But then again, we went on a glorious hike through white capped rock domes.
We saw the most spectacular rock art I have ever witnessed.
We sat out on a warm night and drank rose.
West climbed all over those red rocks, much to his delight. To go on an adventure is always the right choice for us as a family.
Greg and I talk a lot about what choices we make differently now then before we had West. Not to reclaim that life, but to examine whether we are staying true to the things that light us up.
Make no mistake, we are still lit up by things every day. We have retained the travel and outdoor adventure that makes us happy. It’s occasionally a little less rowdy…. but make no mistake we have taken this kid on some pretty wild adventures.
Once up a cow path blasted into rock about three feet wide to get to a desert mesa. Many times into trailess places. Many times on rocky roads less traveled.
So bring on the wind, but maybe just a little less next time, please.